Covid19 - Practice Protocol

Plan for Return to Clinical Practice in Respect of Covid-19:

This plan was developed with the goal of reducing the risk of exposure to the virus that causes Covid-19 for both clients and the practitioner within our clinical setting. Here, we identify the actions that the therapists at Lynn Valley Massage Therapy commit to, and that all clients must commit to, in order to resume massage therapy services.

"Coronavirus is transmitted via liquid droplets when a person coughs or sneezes. The virus can enter through these droplets through the eyes, nose or throat if you are in close contact.
The virus is not known to be airborne (e.g. transmitted through the particles floating in the air) and it is not something that comes in through the skin.
It can be spread by touch if a person has used their hands to cover their mouth or nose when they cough. That's why we recommend you cough or sneeze into your arm and wash your hands regularly."

Source: BC Centre for Disease Control - COVID-19 - How it spreads

The overall aim of these protocols is to reduce potential coronavirus transmission by:

Self-Assessment for Symptoms of Covid-19: For Clients & Therapists:

Pre-Screening / Prior to Arrival
Upon Arrival

Physical Distancing:

Reception Area / Entry into Clinic Space

We ask that clients kindly:

Hand Hygiene:

Reception Area / Entry into Clinic Space
In the Treatment Room

Avoid Face Touching:

Enhanced Cleaning:

Personal Protective Equipment:

Professional Obligations:

Liability Insurance
In the Event That a Client Tests Positive for the Virus or Displays Symptoms
In the Event That the Therapist Comes into Close Contact with Someone Showing Symptoms or Tests Positive for the Virus

Informed Consent:

In the current environment of Covid-19 risk, informed consent requires that the client be informed and understands that:

It is 22/02/25 07:51 and 8o light rain; later Rain, tomorrow . Wind Direction: E 080o, 13 mph. Sunrise: 15:10. Sunset: 01:42